Golf Cart Drive Clutches:
The drive, or primary, clutch is found on the crankshaft of the engine.
A thick, heavy ‘drive’ belt is wrapped around it and links it to the driven clutch, on the differential.
At rest, the drive clutch sheaves (or pulley halves) are separated enough that the drive belt rests in between the sheaves & against the center shaft of this clutch.
As the engine spins, internal flyweights cause one drive clutch sheave (pulley half) to slide in along its main shaft toward the other sheave, which is fixed to the engine crankshaft.As the engine speed changes, the flyweight action forces the drive belt to move up or down the clutch faces thus changing the pulling ratio of the clutch (which affects the pulling power of the engine).
When the belt is down near the center shaft of the drive clutch the pulling ratio is about a 3:1 advantage for the engine. As the belt rides up toward the outer edge of the drive clutch the car is near the top ‘cruising’ speed (about a 1:1 pulling ratio).
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