20 Symptoms of a failing rear shock absorber may include

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20 Symptoms of a failing rear shock absorber may include:
1. Uneven tire wear
2. Noise when driving over bumps
3. Vehicle sags or leans to one side
4. Bumpy ride
5. Nausea or dizziness after riding in the car
6. Difficulty steering in certain conditions
7. Vehicle bottoms out
8. Suspension stiffness
9. Vehicle veers or drifts in turns
10. Excessive bounce after going over bumps
11. Reduced suspension travel
12. Unusual noises coming from the rear of the vehicle
13. Abnormal tire cupping
14. Leaking oil from the shock absorber
15. Excessive body roll
16. Unusual noises when driving on rough terrain
17. Visual inspection shows signs of wear
18. Poor control over speed bumps
19. Unusual noises when cornering
20. Abnormal tire wear on the rear tires

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