When your golf cart get bad what should you do?

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Sometimes your cart may get worse, or it can stop working. Then you should know there may be a starter-generator-generator that has got some troubles.

Here are some main signs to look for a check if there is a problem with the starter generator:
1. When You Turn The Key, The Cart Does Not Start
When you turn the key to start your cart, but nothing happens or hears only a clicking sound, there could be a problem with your starter or your battery.

Just turn on the headlights or interior lights. If they can light up well, be sure the battery is fine, and it is possible that your starter generator is bad.

2. Judging From ‘Time Taken To Crank’:
If it feels like it is taking longer than usual to get your cart cranking, it is an indication that your starter generator could be going bad.

Make sure it is not a battery problem by checking that the lights are turning on.

3. Listening For Noise:
If there is a ‘grinding noise’ coming when your cart is running, it is very likely that the gears in your starter are worn out and working improperly. This is the same noise that one hears when you turn the key on your vehicle that was already running

4. Starter Too Hot Or Smoke Coming Out:
If the starter gets too hot within a short period of time, it is a very strong sign that something is wrong with it.

Usually, the voltage will also drop because of getting too hot. If smoke is coming out of the starter, you know it is over.

5. Pulley Of Starter Not Moving Freely Or Rusted:
On looking at the starter generator, if the pulley looks rusted or does not move freely on moving by hand, this is a clear sign of your start going bad. You will have to change its pulley, and the starter should work.

However, make sure the rust is only on the pulley and has not reached to the starter. If it has reached, it is time to replace the whole starter generator immediately.

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