Catalytic Converter LH for 2011-2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6L V6

Catalytic Converter LH for 2011-2012 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6L V6

SKU PQG.03424 10H49723 Category Tags , ,


Information High quality chassis partseries products. Made with high strength steel tubing for superior strength and durability. Stable performance, reliable quality and long service life Uniform thickness, no blow holes, slag, cracks, tearing, or incomplete fusion. Measured by specialized inspection tools after welding to make sure assemble hole , bushings insert, and installation sizes are proper. Professional InstallerisHighly Recommended(No Instruction Included) Alignment Highly Recommended After Install DesignedtomeetEPAemissionsstandards:Toensureoptimumquality,allofourproductscomplywiththelatestregulationsissuedbytheEnvironmentalProtectionAgency. Caution:Duetoincreasedemissionsstandards,thisitemisnotcertifiedforsaleoruseinCaliforniaandNewYork. Condition: 100% brand new Placement on Vehicle:Front,Left Emissions 48-State Legal (Cannot Ship to CA or NY) Series 48-State Direct Fit Tube material Stainless Steel Restricted States:Colorado Maine, New York, CaliforniaCompatibility Chart For 2011-2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6LV6Package Content 1x Driver Side Catalytic Converter

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